Not a Serious Post

Hai pembaca! Kembali lagi bersama gue Ade Putra, sang manusia yang merasa overwhelmed akan segala sesuatu. Ugh bitch. Sejujurnya gue juga gamau dijulukin kaya gitu, but that's the fact. Sering banget gue ngerasa bahwa another day is just a survival. Kadang gue bahkan ngerasa apakah gue sebenernya kena depresi? But I wish no. Dan kalaopun amit-amit 'iya', gue berharap gue bakal tetep idup dan bisa survive. Soalnya dear God, I love life so much. Well, I don't know, that expression may seems odd, selfish (?), and arrogant in some way. But listen to me: I'm just feeling grateful to have a life. I'm just so thankful to the Lord that being alive is something that most people take for granted. But I'm not taking anything for granted. So, beberapa orang mungkin suicidal, but I'm not--and will never be. Karena ya ampun. I have the passion to be alive. Apakah ini berarti gue juga takut mati? Well, I think this goes too deep lol. Let's just cut this conversation here hahaha.

Album 'Lover' by Taylor Swift bener-bener my cup of tea! Not to mention that I'm actually drinking tea right now while listening to her whole album, but semenjak album itu keluar dan gue dengerin satu persatu lagunya, I was already like "Oh bitchhhh!!! Yassss! I love this!!!!". Sebenernya dari awal dia ngeluarin singlenya yang featuring Brandon Urie, gue bener-bener yang nyanyiin itu setiap saat. Sampe temen-temen gue keberisikan, pusing, bahkan muak kali ya sama gue hahahaha. I'M OBSESSED! First of all, gue suka sama color theme yang dia pake, yaitu rainbow pastels/colorful pastels/soft colors/whatever is dat lah pokonya yang warna-warni tapi gak yang neon mencolok mata (walaupun di music videonya yang 'You Need To Calm Down' warnanya dia bener-bener ngejreng, but again, ga bikin gue pusing, malahan bikin gue ceria gitu) dan ada momen dimana Paduan Suara Fakultas gue ada job manggung dan dresscodenya adalah warna pastel! So I turned in my inner 'Lover' album! Hahaha. Secondly, gue suka aja gitu dengerin lagu-lagunya yang chilly and like perfect for fall season. Oh gosh imagine I'm reading/ browsing the webs on my bed, I have a cup of tea (probably boba or Thai tea) beside my bed, I'm in my comfy pajamas, and the whole 'Lover' album is being played in the background!


Kapan yak bisa kaya gitu beneran? I'm really looking forward to it!

Well, I guess that's what I wanna tell you in this post right now.
I have to get back to do my responsibilities huhu.
So, thanks for stopping by and reading this!
May you find joy in your entire life!


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