First // Welcome

Hello everyone!
So basically this post you're going to read is just a cheesy welcoming post, since this is my first post in this blog and FYI, I'm writing this post at 11.40 PM woah! Who cares anyway? Well, as a welcoming post, I'm going to let you know the background of this blog. I mean how can this shitty blog even exist in this digital world?!

Throwback to last year which was my first year of a university student, I was so impressed by new experiences that I got as a freshman. Being a freshman feels like you're born again. It's true since I live in a new city (Semarang, in case you didn't know), met new people, and began a new life. I've been through happy moments, sad moments, funny moments, amazed moments, surprised moments, grateful moments, and another moments that DEFINITELY can't be easily forgotten! However, I know my brain capacity. This little thing inside my head can't actually record detailed information and feelings of the moments I've been through. So, I planned to actually create a blog, where I can write and post my moments and LITERALLY anything without being judged! (Because I think negative netizens are rarely found in a blog hahaha they live in overrated social medias like Instagram, LINE, and YouTube, but they are too lazy to read so they won't arrive here xixixi).

Besides the reason above, actually there's this one reason that encourage me like "Come on, Ade! Why don't you literally make it happen?!". So, right now I'm in the third semester of university, and there's this Advanced Writing class where the lecturer, a very old woman yet still able in keeping up with modern stuffs, asked all of her students to create a blog content. In. A. Piece. Of. Paper.

LIKE ???????

So I think instead of just creating a blog content in a piece of paper, and then submit it to her, and then done, why don't I make this assignment a long term thing? Who knows if I can go far with this blog? LOLLLLL. I mean, amen, right???

Tbh making a blog is not a new thing for me. I had like 4 or 5 blogs (Too much or not too much???) back then when I was in junior high. The problem with them was always on the password hahahaha. I tend to always forgot my blogger password. That's why I like to make new blog, abandon it, make another one, abandon it, and it eventually continues until now! Wow!

But I hope I will not abandon this blog. I hope I can keep posting my thoughts and experience in this blog. Sooooooo, that's it! Welcome to you, who has reached this blog, no matter how you found this!
BTW if you want to check out my LAST active blog, you can visit this link! But beware of the things you'll read on my junior high school blog HAHAHAHA.

Thanks for reading, and goodbye!!
Xoxo, Ade Putra.


Anjir ya. Gue sok-sokan banget dah nulis blog pake bahasa Inggris:(( Mentang-mentang anak SASING padahal masih belepotan ihhhhhhh!! So mohon maap ya temen-temen kalo post diatas memicu muntaber atau memicu your inner Grammar Nazi huhuhu aq masi belajar gaes. Jyadiiii, intinya sih di postingan-postingan selanjutnya teh kalian bakal nemuin postingan dalam Bahasa Inggris ada, dalam Bahasa Indonesia juga ada. Sooo yaudalayah ini kan blog gue, terserah gue dah intinya mah hehehe. Sama mohon maap sumpah ya gue ga ngarti cara ngedit-ngedit tulisan disini biar kek ada love lovenya atau emoji emoji lucyu gitu-gituuu. Jadi mon maap kalo "LAH ANJIR TULISAN SEMUA. MALES GUE BACANYA." ya silahkan left. Gt ajyasi peraturannyah. Dadaaaahh~~~~~ Pokonamah love you beb. 


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